

Contact us directly with your question, and we will gladly help you.

Recruitment officer
If you have questions about our English degree programmes you can contact our recruitment officer Hilde Krul., 0031 (0)6 39 46 44 73

International Office
The International Office provides you with information on our exchange programme, scholarship opportunities, visa applications and housing. 

P.O. Box 634, NL-6200 AP Maastricht
Brusselseweg 150, room number CE.B.07, 6217 HB  Maastricht
0031 (0)43 346 64 50 | 

Education verification
If you want to verify whether a person was indeed a student at Zuyd University of Applied Sciences, please ask this person to contact the Education Office of the relevant study programme him/herself directly. Due to privacy regulations Zuyd is not allowed to give any information to others than the alumni.

In case of emergency abroad

Students and employees who are abroad in connection with their studies or work and who encounter an emergency situation can call the numbers that you find on the following Zuydnet pages (with login):

For general questions about our degree programmes or research possibilities
+31 (0)88 989 30 00  

Student administration for degree students
There is a student administration office in each city. Please contact the administration if you have questions about (re)enrolment or Studielink:

Tuition fees
Questions about tuition fees: 
+31 (0)88 989 30 03
Mo-Fri from 09-12.00h