Centres of Expertise
Zuyd University expresses its research focus areas - which contribute to regional development - through two centres of expertise and two cooperative ventures.

Centre of Expertise for Innovative Care and Technology
Care organizations, knowledge and educational institutes, and the business community have combined forces in the Centre of Expertise for Innovative Care and Technology with the goal of innovating and improving health care and making it more effective. Through research, they contribute to future-proof health care. By educating and training current and future professionals, they anchor care innovations in practice.

Chemelot Learning and Innovation Labs
Chemistry is one of top sectors of the Netherlands. Chemelot Learning and Innovation Labs (CHILL), is a unique cooperation in our region between business and education. Located on the Chemelot Campus in Geleen, an important centre for chemistry, CHILL provides an innovative learning, work and research environment. Companies can turn to CHILL with their research questions.

Brightlands Smart Services Campus
The Brightlands Smart Services Campus (BISS) forms part of Brightlands, an open innovation community comprising four campuses at which scientists, entrepreneurs, students, and investors work together on the challenges in the field of sustainability and health. In this regard, the Brightlands Smart Services Campus focuses primarily on the development of and facilities for a community that can translate data into smart services. The founders of the campus are APG, Maastricht University, and the Province of Limburg.

Transition to a sustainably-built environment
The Zuyd Research Centre for Smart Urban Redesign and the Research Centre for Solar Energy in the Built Environment work together closely in order to give shape to the transition to a sustainably-built environment. Particular areas of focus are solar energy and sustainability. The programme District of Tomorrow is a catalyst for sustainable development in the region. Technical and engineering students collaborate in an innovative, multidisciplinary, and real-life environment. The collaborative venture Limburg Economic Development (LED) has incorporated the programme as one of the four programmes to be implemented within the Brainport 2020 programme in Limburg.