Study at Zuyd
How to pay

How to pay your tuition fee

You are required to pay the tuition fee for every academic year that you are enrolled as a student at Zuyd University, even if you are only doing your internship.

When do you need to pay?

Your tuition fee must be paid before 1 September. Payments may sometimes not be deducted from your account. Even if that happens, you should contact the Tuition Fee Team immediately:
E [email protected]
T +31 (0)88 989 30 03
Mo-Fri from 09-12.00h

Payment options

You can pay your tuition fees with a continuous digital authorisation via Studielink. This way, for every year you study with us, you automatically transfer the tuition fees to our account. You can do this annually in 1 go or in 10 instalments. Make sure you arrange the authorisation as soon as possible.

Payment via a continuous digital authorisation is only possible if you have a bank account in a SEPA country. 
You can read how to do this on the Studielink website. 

You have the following payment options:

  • Pay in full by digital direct debit
    With a continuous digital authorisation in Studielink, you or, for example, your parents authorize Zuyd University to deduct the tuition fee in full (=all at once). The tuition fee will be deducted from your account around 27 September of each academic year. 
  • Pay in instalments by digital direct debit
    You or, for example, your parents, authorize Zuyd University to deduct the tuition fee from your account in 10 instalments by means of the continuous digital direct debit authorization option in Studielink. Each study year you will be charged € 24 for administration costs; this will be deducted with the first instalment. Each instalment will be deducted about the 27th of each month (from September to June inclusive).
  • Your employer pays your tuition fees
    Are you working and also pursuing an education? If so, maybe your boss will pay your tuition. These are the payment options:

    • Your employer pays with a continuous digital authorization. See the payment options above.

    • You pay with a continuous digital authorization and reclaim tuition fees from your employer. Complete the continuous digital authorization via Studielink and then download your proof of enrollment via Osiris. Use this proof to claim the tuition fees from your employer.

    • Your employer pays by invoice
      Complete the declaration of guarantee together with your employer. We will then send you the invoice your employer needs. Download the employer guarantee declaration (in Dutch).

What if you live outside the EU?

If you do not have a bank account in a EU-country you cannot pay by means of a digital direct debit authorization or in instalments. You will need to transfer the full tuition fee all at once. You must pay the whole amount into Zuyd University’s bank account before 1 September. You should pay in good time because international payments often take longer. The tuition fee should be paid to the following account:

IBAN: NL 62 RABO 0311 0781 33 
Rabobank, Croeselaan 18, 3521 CB  Utrecht, Netherlands